United States Operations |
Australia Corporate Headquarters |
Singapore |
Mesoblast Inc.505 Fifth Avenue |
Mesoblast Limited55 Collins Street |
Mesoblast21 Biopolis Road |
TFN: 1 844 889 MESO |
TFN: 1 800 89 MESO |
TFN: 1 844 889 MESO |
Investors & Media Contact:
Business Development Contact:
Career Opportunities Contact:
Clinical Trials Enquiries:
At present, Mesoblast’s cell-based therapies are only available to patients who participate in clinical trials. The doctors in charge of each clinical trial are responsible for deciding whether people are eligible to participate in a trial. Mesoblast is unable to advise people about their medical condition or appropriate treatment. People who are interested in enrolling in clinical trials should discuss it with their own doctor, who can then refer them to the clinical trial doctors, if appropriate.
Links to general information about our ongoing clinical trials are provided below:
- For trials being run in the United States: http://clinicaltrials.gov
- For trials being run in Australia and New Zealand: http://www.anzctr.org.au
- The following is a link for the World Health Organization (WHO) that has a search portal that will allow you to conduct a wider search for clinical trials: http://apps.who.int/trialsearch/
About Access to Investigational Medicines
Mesoblast was founded to bring novel adult stem cell therapies to patients with significant unmet medical needs. Regulatory approval of our cell-based products will allow us to provide the greatest benefit to the patients who may need our therapies. Therefore, our primary focus for our investigational medicines is on clinical trial enrollment.
We recognize that there are patients with a serious and immediately life-threatening disease, who have no satisfactory alternative therapy, and for whom clinical trial enrollment is not an option. When possible in these instances, Mesoblast may provide our unapproved, investigational medicines to these patients under what is known as Expanded Access or Compassionate Use.
To learn more, please review the Expanded Access Program Position, and to identify available Mesoblast clinical trials and inclusion criteria, visit http://clinicaltrials.gov.
To request more information on our clinical trials not provided on this website, please contact [email protected].
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